5 Ways to Take Care of Your Face to Stay Clear in the Rainy Season

When the rainy season arrives the air temperature will change to be more extreme than usual. Especially when it rains heavily. The skin is awake moisture can brighten the face naturally. But to care for the brightness is not disturbed, then you at least do 5 tips like this.

1. Wash Your Face Frequently
Not a matter of beauty products you use. By washing your face regularly in a very powerful day reject the seeds of disease that damage the brightness of your face. If you can in once wash it at least do 2 to 3 times the sweep to be really clean. If you just wear more makeup.

2. Outer Face Skin Massage
Facial therapy is also very powerful to maintain the brightness of the face when the rainy season arrives. During the rainy season, the air can turn cold. This is what makes the skin slightly frozen and less flexible. By massaging the outside of the skin, the firmness and well-being are maintained.

3. Wear moisturizing cream
If the air temperature is really cold, inevitably use a moisturizing cream. By wearing it, then you do not have to worry anymore when the extreme weather comes insistently. But remember. Use natural ingredients, yes. If you are forced to use a cream made of chemicals, apply before expiration.

4. Use the Mainstay Mask during the Rainy Season
Do you have a special face mask when the rainy season arrives? There is dong. Fruits such as avocados, bananas, milk, and aloe vera are very powerful counteracting extreme air temperatures. The way of course pure one by one. Do not mix it later can weird results.

5. Drinking Water Regularly
Is not it the rainy season when it's cold? Correct. Most people just do not want to drink because they feel not thirsty. But do you know if it can make dehydration? Dehydration when the rainy season can affect the skin. Then keep drinking water during the rainy season, yes. Standard course, 6-8 times a day.
Do the 5 things above. Then it is guaranteed your skin will be moist. The tips above in addition to preventing the occurrence of damage to the facial skin can also brighten the face naturally. The good news does not contain side effects like when using chemical drugs.

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